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Legal solutions to preserve #Iranian_identity in the future #constitutional law of #Iran

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November 8, 2020

Legal solutions to preserve #Iranian_identity in the future #constitutional law of #Iran ; #Iranianism of the future must be modern and in the language of humanities and #law decorated Talk about the white devil and Naqali #Shah nameh It is beautiful, but from the legal point of view, it does not protect the Iranian identity and design #racial_cleansing hidden #Iranians From Iran #IR In partnership with #New world order It has started, there is no stopping it. # Iranocratic Modern, concept #Iranian To #Citizen Iran will not decline and for the founding board of historical Iran and the true owners and heirs of Iran who have fought and died for it over thousands of years to preserve the Iranian essence, and #Culture And #Iranian_civilization have created, has special rights. It should not be allowed that #Immigration and aggressive occupation of foreign tribes destroy the originality of this ancient country in the process of #globalization or the process of #Islamic #nationhood . eliminate Legal solutions to protect the Iranian identity in the future constitution of Iran, with prominent Iranian jurist and the author of the proposed draft of the future constitution of Iran, Dr. Nireh Ansari, in the program I have checked #Andishekdeh_Iranzmin .

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