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The natural Iranian alphabet, one of the necessary conditions for changing the direction of civilization – the second part, the fourteenth session

الفبای طبیعی #ایرانیک یادگار اصلاحات استاد ذبیح بهروز و دکتر رضاهازلی در #خط و #الفبا ی رونیک اقوام ایرانی سکایی- در نشست چهاردهم از کلاس های #انجمن_مهرایران نیز مانند نشست سیزدهم اما بصورت خلاصه تر به تاریخ و منطق اختراع الفبا و اهمیت تغییر خط ناقص عربی زبان #پارسی ( #دری #فارسی) به خط ایرانیک برای #تغییرجهت_تمدنی از شبه تمدن عربی اسلامی ابراهیمی به ابر تمدن هندوایرانی و اروپایی پرداخته میشود. تغییر خط یکی از آموزه های مهم و حیاتی #مانیفست_اندیشکده_ایرانزمین به عنوان ادامه دهنده و تکمیل کننده مکتب ایرانویچی روانشاد ذبیح بهروزست.… اپلیکیشن آیفون الفبای ایرانیک را از لینک بالا می توانید دانلود کنید.… اپلیکیشن اندروئید الفبای ایرانیک را از لینک بالا در گوگل پلی می توانید دانلود کنید.

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The natural Iranian alphabet is a relic of the reforms of Professor Zabih Behrouz and Dr. Reza Hazli in the runic script of Scythian Iranian peoples.
Apr 18, 2021 #Persian #Persian #line

Natural alphabet #ایرانیک Remembrance of reforms by Professor Zabih Behrouz and Dr. Reza Hazli #خط And #الفبا The runic of Scythian Iranian people – in the 13th meeting of the classes #انجمن_مهرایران To the history and logic of the invention of the alphabet and the importance of changing the imperfect script of the Arabic language #پارسی ( #دری #فارسی) in Iranic script for #تغییرجهت_تمدنی From the semi-civilization of the Arab-Islamic Abrahamic civilization to the Indo-Iranian and European super-civilization. Changing the line is one of the important and vital teachings #Manifesto_andishkadeh_Iranzmin as a continuation and completion of Iranvichi school, Ravanshad Zabih Behrouz.… You can download Iranik Alphabet iPhone application from the above link.… You can download the Iranian Alphabet Android application from the link above on Google Play.

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Legal teachings of Iranzmin think tank, one of the necessary conditions for changing the direction of civilization, Mehriran Association, 12th meeting
April 2 , 2021

#Legal teachings of #Andishekdeh_Iranzmin , #Mehriran_Association The twelfth session! One of the most important conditions for #Civilization_direction change in #Iranian_revolution, changing the legal system of the country. In the twelfth meeting of the Mehr Association of Iran, I will examine this issue with a group of students and answer their questions. and an abstract of I express the proposed constitution of the Iran-Zamin think tank.

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Economic teachings of Iran think tank, land and the fourth industrial revolution, Mehriran Association, 11th meeting

#Economic teachings of Iran Zemin and #Fourth_Industrial_Revolution , #Mehriran_Association 11th meeting Indeed, a nation whose elites are still confused about whether the Qur’an is the book of God or not, a nation whose elites have not yet understood whether the king or Mossadegh was right, a nation that still has a great sense of understanding. He doesn’t have #Reza Shah , does he understand what a terrible industrial revolution with #artificial_intelligence Is it happening in the western world? Is the concept of post economic system #کرونا have the elites of this nation understood? An Iranian elite from #انقلاب_صنعتی What does the fourth know? Is the concept of digital slavery and #socialism #biodigital have understood Have they understood that the world is heading towards a terrible time? #Posthuman #biodigital is moving at a high speed and this means the destruction and enslavement of #Iran in the near future ? Have they understood that the world is facing the same way? #توتالیتاریسم Bio-digital advances with complete control over humans? Or do they still not even know if Mossadegh or Shah was right? They still doubt the greatness of Reza Shah! Spit on you, spitting wheel! #Stakeholder #Capitalism #inclusive capitalism

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