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The attack of the Republic of #Baku (#Azerbaijan) on #Armenia under the pretext of #Artsakh (#Qarabagh) or the first step of occupying Tabriz

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October 13, 2020

The brutal attack of the Republic #Baku ( #Azerbaijan ) To #Armenia on the pretext #Artsakh Or #Qarabagh In fact, the first step of occupation #Tabriz It has deep roots #Historical And #Civilized and in terms of political and strategic geography for #Iran it’s too important #Pan-Turkism And the Mongolian quasi-civilization is a threat to #Iranian_civilization And its historical and strategic allies include Armenia. The seizure of Jibril Karabagh region by Baku connects the Republic of Baku to the East Azerbaijan province of Iran and lays the groundwork for # Analysis This part is from Iran. but why The #Islamic_Republic and the person of #Khamenei with the support of #Baku on the ground of #separation Did they provide Iran? What is hidden Pan-Turkism in the Islamic Republic and its connection with What are the #Anusians and #Khazarian Jews ? #Athurpatkan Where is the real one? Difference #Azeri or #Aryan_Turk with #Mongolian_Turk in what and why #Sid_Krasi and #Anousi_Krasi Does he want the destruction of Iran and Armenia in the Islamic Republic? Cooperation #NATO , #Israel and #Vatican What is Pan Turkism for? Why do Khamenei and Israel have the same goals in Azerbaijan? The solution to the Artsakh problem and #Talash from the perspective of #Manifesto_Andishkade_Iranzmin What is? Answer these questions and other issues from the language You will hear #Reza_Hazli in the program #Andishkade_Iranzmin

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