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Human rights from the perspective of Iranian civilization and the rights of Iranian captive tribes in other countries

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Mar 13, 2021 #NATO #Talesh #Kurd

Is human rights only a humanitarian issue or a political tool? Is? If it is only humanitarian, why the rights of Arab speakers? It is called #Khuzestan , but from the rights of #Iranian clans There is no mention of Darband in other countries? Why from Iranians and #In the languages ​​of Samarkand and Bukhara, which were severely suppressed by #Pan-Turkism They are in Uzbekistan, but there is no mention of it in the world media? Why #Racial_cleansing_of_the_Iranian_people #attempted by #Pan_Turkism Is the brutality of Baku ignored? Is #Genocide It is bad only against Jews and Iranian people # Kurd At #Kurdistan Occupation in Türkiye, Iraq and Syria can be done in broad daylight by the Second Army #Nato And the green light to #Erdogan Genocide and ethnic cleansing until this bloodthirsty Genghis descent #Afrin And #Kobani With the help #Isis Will the atmosphere start blood? Human rights from the perspective of Iranian civilization and #Rights How are the tribes of Iranian captives in other countries? In this week’s program I have tried to promote human rights in #Iranian_civilization with the Iranian lawyer and human rights activist, Dr. Nireh #Ansari. I check. For more information about Iranian civilization, visit the following site:


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