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Abrahamic racism (Sidkrasi and Anousi Krasi) from a legal point of view

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Ebrahimi’s racism ( #Sidkrasi and #Anousi_Krasi ) from a #legal perspective # in a conversation with an Iranian lawyer and human rights activist Dr. Nireh Sarkar #Ansari : Racism is one of the serious issues of human society and it should be eradicated from among humans, but why? The #world_community and the #media emphasize only a special type of #racism , which is #anti-Semitism and #anti-blackness. Is? Isn’t there other types of racism? Is #Iranianism and #Syed_Krasi and #Anousi_Krasi and belief in #Jen_Barter Ebrahimi is not racist? Is #Seyd_Salari and #Anousi_Salari in Iran #organizational_discrimination is not? Why should people be called brazenly because of their dependence on a certain sperm? #Seyd means the server of others and give up to eighty five percent of the #political , #economic and #military power of #Iran. and hold key positions and the country’s wealth while their population is less than one percent of the country’s population? the reason for this What is blatant #discrimination and #injustice and #cruelty and #oppression and what are the legal ways to fight it?

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